Sova Assessment Testing Guide: Logical Reasoning Answers
Updated November 18, 2023

- What Is the Sova Assessment Test?
- Who Uses Sova Tests?
- The Different Sova Assessments
- Sova Practice Test Questions
- How to Prepare for the Sova Testing
- Tips for Taking the Sova Online Assessment
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts

More and more companies are introducing psychometric testing as a part of their recruitment processes.
This means that, if you are considering changing careers or applying for a new role within your existing industry, you may need to take an assessment.
One of the most popular tests for corporate employers is the test by Sova Assessment.
What Is the Sova Assessment Test?
Founded by Alan Bourne in 2015, Sova is a British-based digital platform used during recruitment to objectively assess candidates’ strengths, weaknesses and potential.
It does this by looking at different personality and intelligence traits using a variety of methods.
Using Sova psychometric testing, potential employers can identify which applicants fulfil their criteria and are likely to be the best fit for their company.
Who Uses Sova Tests?
The Sova online assessment is largely used by large corporate firms and accounting companies.
Employers may choose to use individual tests or companies can create bespoke packages combining different Sova assessment sections and questions.
This is usually done to focus on specific skills and traits that they wish to have in their employees.
The Different Sova Assessments
There are a number of different assessments that can be used by employers as part of their recruitment process, including the Sova personality assessment, the Sova verbal reasoning test and the Sova numerical reasoning test.
You may be asked to take all of them, or you might be presented with a tailored selection of assessments.
Each type of assessment is examined below.
Numerical Reasoning
As the name suggests, the Sova numerical reasoning assessment assesses how well you can form conclusions from numerical data.
You will likely find that you are given a variety of diagrams with numerical data, graphs, charts or calculations.
This is typically given as a multiple-choice test and candidates are scored according to the number of correct answers they provide overall.
Logical Reasoning
Logical reasoning questions are designed to assess your ability to analytically draw conclusions from information.
During the Sova logical reasoning assessment, you will be given a statement, image or another piece of information alongside a question. You will then need to choose the correct answer from a selection of options.
Scores are given based on the number of correct Sova logical reasoning answers that you provide as well as how long it takes you to provide them, so it is important to answer both quickly and accurately.
Verbal Reasoning
In a similar way to the numerical and logical assessments, the Sova verbal reasoning assessment is given as a multiple-choice assessment.
As a candidate, you will be given verbal and written information and will be asked to answer multiple-choice questions about it.
Scores are given according to the number of overall correct answers.
Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
As the name suggests, a situational judgement test is designed to look at how you react to a variety of different situations.
During the Sova situational judgement test you will be shown a series of different scenarios to consider. Some of the situations may include additional information such as animated sections or images.
Each scenario will have a selection of possible responses. You will need to select the responses you feel would be most and least effective in the situation.
Remember to consider each situation from a workplace perspective – people often react differently at work than they would in a private situation.
Personality Questionnaire
When employers ask candidates to complete a personality questionnaire, it is usually because they are looking for a specific type of person to fill the role that they are hiring for.
This does not mean that other types of people are worse, only that the recruiter is after a certain sort of personality.
It could be that they want someone who thinks analytically or someone who has strong empathetic skills.
Whatever they are after, a personality test can show employers a lot about candidates.
During this assessment, you will be presented with a series of statements.
For each statement, you will be asked to select how much it sounds like you on a Likert scale that usually starts with 'Least like me' and finishes with 'Most like me'.
It is important to answer these questions honestly based on how you would be in a workplace environment. It is likely that you would react differently at work than you would at home.
Your personality questionnaire is then used to understand your behavioral preferences, strengths and weaknesses.
There are no correct answers on a personality test. If you lie or answer falsely, you will give an incorrect impression of yourself. While this may land you that role, it will also mean you will be miserable in it because it does not suit your personality, making it more likely you will burn out.
Video Interview
The video interview is an opportunity for potential employers to digitally meet you for the first time and really see how you answer questions.
You will be asked to record your answers to a series of pre-recorded questions.
The exact questions that you are asked to answer will largely depend on the company and role that you have applied to join.
In most cases, you will be shown a written version of the question that you need to answer. You will then have a minute to think about your answer and three minutes to record your response.
In order to ensure that you understand the test format and that all of your equipment is working properly, you will usually be given a test question before the assessment begins properly.
Your answers are then evaluated by the recruiter.
Sova Practice Test Questions
There are a number of websites that offer Sova assessment practice tests, such as on the Sova website itself.
This article also contains some examples of questions you might find within some of the Sova assessment tests.
Sova Numerical Reasoning Question
Income | Expenses | |
Jan – Mar | 53,250 | 3,100 |
Apr – Jun | 39,890 | 10,500 |
Jul – Sep | 64,823 | 17,250 |
Oct – Dec | 76,000 | 9,240 |
What is the total profit for the year?
a) 193,873
b) 233,963
c) 66,760
d) 40,090
If you are making English scones, then it is important to warm the milk before adding it to the dry ingredients. Failing to warm the milk can result in scones with a poor rise; it may also affect the texture. Warming the milk can be done in a pan or a microwave. Many people find that the microwave is the easiest option, with warming taking around 30 seconds. It is often also recommended to add a dash of lemon juice to the warmed milk before adding it to the dry ingredients. This helps the milk to achieve the taste of buttermilk, which is often difficult to find. If you have access to buttermilk, you may use it instead of the milk and lemon in this recipe.
Which statement is incorrect?
a) Scones can be English
b) The dry ingredients should be added to the warm milk
c) Buttermilk is difficult to find
d) Lemon juice can be added to milk
Which of these options would be the next in the above sequence?
You have been made aware of some tension between two colleagues who are usually very good at working together.
They have both been placed on a new project, but are now saying that they would prefer not to work together because of the current situation between them.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to replace either individual as they are both needed for key areas of the project.
What would you do?
Select the most effective and least effective options from the list below.
a) Tell them to get over it; they are at work and they need to do their jobs
b) Speak to each of them separately to find out what has happened, then side with one of them, removing the other from the team even though this may cause issues with areas of the project
c) Agree to allow them to work remotely wherever possible so that they don’t need to be in the same office as their colleague too often
d) Speak to them both. Agree that as their specialties are in different areas there is no need for them to be in all of the same meetings and try to accommodate them wherever possible
Select how well the statement below relates to you:
'I sometimes find it difficult to get started with a task'
a) Very much like me
b) Somewhat like me
c) Neither like or dislike me
d) Somewhat unlike me
e) Not at all like me
Sova Video Interview Questions
As these are pre-recorded interview-style questions that are tailored to the company and the role, it is difficult to say exactly what will be asked.
Each recruiter is likely to set their own questions in order to identify traits within candidates which align with their company's values and demands.
How to Prepare for the Sova Testing
One of the most important things that you can do to ensure you are ready for any assessment is to take appropriate steps to prepare for it. This is no different when taking the Sova Assessment test.
Making sure that you take the time to prepare for your Sova assessments can mean that you are able to feel calm and confident ahead of the test itself.
Step 1. Understand the Test Format
Many of the questions are multiple-choice.
Additionally, some may involve a variety of different features, including animation, graphs and images.
Some tests, such as the video interview, follow a completely different format and will require different pieces of technology.
Making sure that you are familiar with the format that your test is likely to take can help you to feel more prepared and confident ahead of taking the assessment.
Step 2. Research the Company and the Role You Are Applying For
Although all companies will have a benchmark for the qualifications and abilities that they are looking for, each company will also have an additional list of traits and skills that they desire in a candidate.
Take the time to research the company’s values in general and also for the specific role that you are applying for. This can give you insights into what a recruiter might be looking for.
Researching a company can also help to give you other information regarding the type of clients that they typically deal with, areas of expertise which they may have and the unique selling point which they offer to clients, customers, employees and others.
Step 3. Find Some Practice Questions
Practice questions are one of the most useful tools available to you when it comes to preparing for any sort of test. The Sova online assessments are no different.
By taking paid for or free Sova Assessment practice tests and looking at sample questions and answers, you can gain an idea of the type of question you are likely to be asked and how challenging they may be.
This can also help you to identify any areas of the test which you may find more difficult so you can focus on improving that area in particular.
Step 4. Find Your Strengths and Weaknesses
By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you will know what to practice, discover where you may easily gain new skills and adapt the way that you approach the Sova assessments.
One of the best ways to identify your strengths and weaknesses is by finding Sova online assessment practice questions. Reviewing your Sova online assessment answers will offer an insight that you can then use in your test prep.
Other ways to identify your individual strengths and weaknesses include:
- Writing a list of things that you think you are good at and things that you think you struggle with
- Ask someone you trust what they think your strengths and weaknesses are – you may be pleasantly surprised
- Think about the subjects you were good at when you were at school and the things which you found difficult. This may be similar to the things which you find difficult or challenging in the workplace
Tips for Taking the Sova Online Assessment
Everyone approaches tests differently.
Nevertheless, following some general tips can help to make sure that you are able to complete the Sova assessments to the very best of your ability, highlighting the skills and traits that make you an ideal candidate.
1. Read Each Question Carefully
One of the easiest ways to make a mistake is by not taking the time to properly understand a question.
Reading too fast or not reading the full question can lead to you misunderstanding what it is that is being asked of you.
Avoid unnecessary errors by taking the time to read each question twice before you answer it.
2. Be Aware of the Time Limits
Although the Sova Assessment tests aren’t timed, your score is a combination of the correct Sova assessment answers you give, the questions you attempted and the amount of time it took to answer each question.
This means that it is important to answer questions quickly and accurately in order to achieve the best possible score.
3. Don’t Spend Too Long on Individual Answers
If a question is particularly tricky then it can be tempting to keep trying to figure out the answer rather than moving on.
Unfortunately, this isn’t always the best thing to do and can cost valuable time which can result in not being able to complete the test).
If you find yourself struggling with a specific question, it may be better for your score if you move on and try other questions that you can answer more quickly.
4. Make Sure That Your Technology Is Working
The Sova assessments are completed online, by telephone and via video call.
Making sure that all of your technology is working ahead of the assessments can help to save you from unnecessary stress when things don’t go to plan.
Make sure that everything is fully charged and working properly.
If you have never used video calling before, it might be a good idea to have a trial run with a friend or family member in order to make sure that your camera and microphone are set up properly.
5. Get Enough Sleep Ahead of the Test
Numerous studies have shown that not getting enough sleep can have a negative effect on cognitive abilities, including memory, recall and focus.
This is why, if you know that you are going to need to take a test, it is important to make sure that you get enough sleep.
Making sure that you rest ahead of taking your Sova assessments can help you to feel at your best on the day and may make a difference in how well you perform.
6. Find Mindfulness Techniques Which Work for You
Mindfulness is a great way to help reduce any feelings of stress or anxiety that you may have.
By reducing these feelings, you will be able to think more clearly during your Sova assessment.
This can help to improve memory and recall, enabling you to answer questions to the very best of your ability.
There are a number of different techniques to choose from, so try a few out and find one which works for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
The majority of people will take Sova assessments as a part of the recruitment process.
This means that if you don’t achieve the desired score, you are unlikely to be given an opportunity to repeat the test.
Instead, you will be told that your application has been unsuccessful.
A number of employers who use Sova Assessment tests as a part of their recruitment process.
Primarily, these are corporate and large accounting firms, although the tests can be used by any business that wants to evaluate candidates thoroughly.
The assessments are untimed, which means that in theory you can take as long as you want to answer the questions.
However, it’s probably not a good idea to spend too long on each question as the amount of time that it takes you to answer is included in your test score.
Most people find that assessments take around 30 minutes.
If you are taking a Sova Assessment test, it will usually form part of the recruitment process after you have applied for a job.
For this reason, it will not usually cost you anything to take the assessments; any costs are met by the potential employers.
If you're applying for a job that requires the Sova Assessment, start by reaching out to the employer. They may provide you with information about the assessment, sample questions, or study materials.
Search online for Sova Assessment practice materials, sample questions, and tips. Some websites may offer free or paid practice tests that simulate the actual assessment.
Please note that the specific content and format of the Sova Assessment can vary from one employer to another, so it's important to get information directly from the hiring company if possible. Additionally, the difficulty of the assessment can be subjective and dependent on your own skills and experience.
Final Thoughts
More and more companies around the world are using psychometric tests as part of their recruitment processes.
This means that if you are considering changing roles or beginning a new career, it is likely that you will be asked to complete assessments at some point. Many corporate and accounting companies use Sova assessments.
When you are asked to complete testing as a part of the interview process it can seem a little daunting, especially if you haven’t been asked to take psychometric tests before.
But simple steps such as familiarizing yourself with the test format, using Sova assessment practice tests and making sure that you are well-rested really can help to make sure that you are able to give your best possible performance on the day.