A Guide to the AON Assessment Test: with Tips
Updated November 18, 2023

'AON assessments' are the new name for the cut-e tests, and they are often used as pre-employment evaluations for different skills, aptitudes, competencies and personality traits for various roles across different industries.
The AON assessments are characterized by being very short online assessment tests, and in many cases, candidates will be required to take more than one as part of a recruitment process.
With so much content to cover in all the different types of tests, it can be difficult to know what to expect from the AON assessments, which is where this guide will help.
Below you will learn more about why AON assessments are used and which companies use them as part of their hiring process.
We will discuss some of the features that the assessments have in common, as well as the most popular tests that are used by recruiters.
There will be some example questions with answers to get you familiar with the type of content you will be facing in certain tests and some helpful information regarding the way the AON assessments are scored and how you can give yourself the best chance to demonstrate that you have what it takes to be successful.
What Is the AON Assessment Test?
AON is well-known as a global financial services firm, and they acquired the cut-e testing battery so that they can provide top-of-the-range candidate evaluation and personnel development tools based on a scientific framework and testing methodology.
There are many different cut-e tests, including:
- AON online tests and questionnaires
- AON aptitude test questions
- AON psychometric tests and gamified assessments
They use the latest in innovative technology to make it easier for candidates to complete the assessments, and for recruiters to gather the data they need to make the right decision about which candidates to take further in the recruitment process.
There are many companies that use AON cut-e tests, including:
- Dell
- PwC
- Deloitte
- Siemens
- Adidas
- Morgan Stanley
- Proctor & Gamble
A List of Aon Assessment Tests for Practice in 2025
- AON Cut-e smartPredict Gamified Assessments
- Cut-e test with The Ultimate AON Assessment Preparation
- Aon Hewitt G.A.T.E.
The AON Test Types and Format
The unique factor about the cut-e tests administered by AON assessments is that they are all incredibly short.
Individual tests usually last no more than 12 minutes, and many are much shorter even than that.
When you come to take an AON assessment, you will receive a link to complete the test via email.
The tests take place in an online environment, and you will need to concentrate on getting as much out of each test as you can because they are very short in terms of time limits.
Often, candidates are required to take more than one of the cut-e tests because they are being assessed for different things, like specific skills, aptitudes and personality traits that make them suitable for the advertised role.
Some of the AON assessments cut-e tests are listed below:
Aptitude Questions and Skills Tests
Scales lT – Language Skills
This is an assessment that evaluates your ability and confidence in using your native language.
You’ll be presented with questions where you will need to fill in a blank space with the right word (in the right context), you’ll have to match words to their definitions, and you will be asked to recognize and correct common spelling errors.
You will have 10 minutes to answer these questions.
Scales MTU – Mechanical Reasoning
Mechanical reasoning is about applying principles of physics and mechanics to solving problems, and this AON assessment evaluates the candidate on their ability to answer questions based on mechanical drawings and diagrams.
There are 24 questions to be answered in 15 minutes, making this one of the longest in the AON assessments test battery.
Scales Numerical – Numerical Reasoning
This is an assessment of how well you are able to reach conclusions based on numbers.
You will need to determine the truth and accuracy of a statement based on data from tables and charts, as well as other numerical data.
In this test, you will be given 12 minutes, and there is a total of 37 questions. You need to answer as many as you can at this time.
Scales Verbal Instruct – Understanding of Basic Instructions
This is quite a basic skill set, and it is all about your ability to follow instructions when they are written down.
You will be asked to establish the truth and accuracy of a statement using the information provided in the written instructions that you have been given.
There are 24 questions in this assessment that you need to answer in eight minutes.
Scales Verbal – Verbal Reasoning
Similar to the AON numerical reasoning test, in this assessment, you are being evaluated on how well you can read and understand information, but this time, there is written information.
You will be presented with a statement that you have to gauge the accuracy of based on the given written information.
There are 49 questions in total on this test, and you will need to answer as many as you can in the 12 minutes time limit allowed.
ChatAssess – Gamified Situational Judgment Test
In this assessment, you will be given different work-related scenarios that describe problems that need to be solved, and you will answer the questions by responding to chat messages that have been sent.
This test lasts 20 minutes.
Scales EQL – Basic Numerical Comprehension
This is all about basic number manipulation and completing common calculations using mental math skills.
You will have just five minutes to answer as many questions as you can.
GridChallenge – Working Memory
In this assessment, you will have to complete different tasks while keeping other information in your mind, and it is all about being able to work with memory, especially when multitasking.
There are nine tasks of varying difficulty in this test, and you will have nine minutes to complete them.
MotionChallenege – Complex Planning Capability
This is an assessment about being able to plan and overcome barriers, moving from a given to a desired state – and the test itself is all about completing puzzles.
There is a six-minute time limit to this test, and you need to complete as many puzzles as you can in that time.
Scales e3+ – Ability to Concentrate
There are many different types of questions in this test, all needing you to react quickly to get the right answer in the right way.
This is a really short test with a two minute time limit, so you need to be on top form while answering as many questions as you can to be successful.
DigitChallenge – Numeracy
This is another assessment that looks specifically at your ability to complete basic arithmetic problems using only mental calculation skills.
You will have six minutes to answer as many questions as you can.
Logic Tests
Scales CLS – Inductive Logical Thinking
In this assessment, you are being evaluated on your ability to see patterns and choose which of the multiple-choice options fit.
There are 12 questions in total in this assessment, and you have 12 minutes to answer as many as you can.
Scales IST – Inductive Reasoning
This is another assessment about spotting patterns, but this time you need to identify the item in the series that does not fit.
There are up to 20 questions for you to answer, but the time limit is just five minutes so you just need to answer as many as you can.
Scales IST – Deductive Logical Thinking
In this assessment, you need to first understand the pattern of items, then use logic to fill every cell and complete the pattern.
You’ll have just six minutes to answer as many questions as you can in this test.
SwitchChallenge – Deductive Reasoning
In this assessment, you need to choose the right four-digit code to get the result that you need in the question.
This assessment has a six minutes, and you need to answer as many questions as you can.
AON Personality Assessment
The Adept-15 looks at work-related behavior, and you will be presented with about 100 statements in pairs about your preferences at work.
To answer the questions, you will need to select the statement that you agree with most.
This test is not timed but usually takes about 30 minutes or less to complete.
AON Assessment Test Sample Questions
Scales Numerical – Numerical reasoning
Complete the equation using the below digits. Each digit can only be used once in the equation:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

What word is missing from the below sentence?
It was a beautiful /______ in the spring, and the birds were singing.
a) Going
b) Speaking
c) Window
d) Morning
a) Circle
b) Star
c) Four-pointed star
d) None of them
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How Is an AON Assessment Scored?
The way the AON assessment is scored is purposely unclear; they keep scoring information under wraps, and the process is very secretive.
What we do know is that you will get points for correct answers, but you will have points deducted if you get them wrong – so guessing won’t help you score highly.
This means that it is better to use a process of elimination with multiple-choice questions to get them right.
The score you get in the AON assessments generates a feedback report that the recruiters will use to decide on whether you match the skills and aptitudes that they need for the role.
In some cases, this information might be shared with you by the recruitment team, so you know if there is anything you need to work on.
The pass rate needed to progress will vary from company to company and even from role to role, but in most cases, you will need to pass to get to the next stage of the recruitment process.
When you don’t know what score you are aiming for, the best thing to do is to prepare thoroughly and practice so that you can score as highly as possible.
How to Prepare for the AON Assessment Test
Step 1. Understand the Specific Test Format
The AON assessment cut-e test format is similar to other aptitude tests – they are timed multiple choice assessments – but the main difference is the short amount of time that each test takes.
What this means is that you will need to really understand the type of test that you are taking so that unfamiliarity doesn’t impede your chances of getting the test completed.
You will be told by the recruitment team which tests you will be taking, and the job site of the company that you have applied for might describe the assessments that they use too.
When you know what you will be facing, you can work out a study plan so that you are ready to give a good demonstration of your skills and aptitudes.
Step 2. Take Sample Practice Tests Online
AON assessments practice tests are a really helpful stage in your revision process. Ideally, you want to start your preparation by taking a relevant practice test (or tests if you are facing more than one).
This will help you to establish a benchmark of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as help you to feel more familiar with the test structure.
Using accurate test practice and the results from the practice AON assessments, you can see where you might need some revision (they will be the weaker areas, where you took longer to answer or you got the question wrong). This should be the focus of your revision.
Take more practice tests throughout your preparation so that you can gauge how much progress you are making and get a confidence boost before the real thing.
Step 3. Practice Timing and Time Management
As the AON assessments are very short, one of the most challenging things that you will find when taking the test is how fast you will need to work to complete the assessment.
When you are practicing, whether that is through individual questions or full-length practice tests, you need to really focus on your timing – answering quickly and accurately and working with maximum efficiency.
Any distractions could be a real risk to your success.
Step 4. Ensure Your Equipment Is Working
Speaking of distractions, one of the worst things that could happen during the AON assessments is that you have some sort of technical issue, so you want to make sure that all the equipment you need is working properly.
You’ll need a PC or a laptop; while some of the assessments have been modified or created to be taken on a smartphone, it is much easier with a bigger screen and a keyboard. You will also want to make sure that you have a dependable and fast internet connection.
Any other equipment that you might need for the assessment will be given before you take the test, including specifications for browsers, etc.
Step 5. Read and Follow Instructions
There will be instructions given at the beginning of each test, and it is important that you read these for every test, even if you have done lots of practice.
The world of pre-employment evaluation is growing and changing, and while practice tests are designed to be as close to the real thing as possible, accuracy is not always guaranteed.
What this means for you is that the way you answer the question might be slightly different from the way you think it’ll be, and that can be problematic if you choose the wrong answer based on the wrong information.
An AON assessment test is sometimes still referred to as a cut-e test, and the term is used to describe a battery of tests that are most often used in recruitment to assess candidates on the aptitudes, skills, competencies and personality traits that are needed for the role.
The AON assessments are usually reasonably simple in terms of content, but they have very short time limits which add pressure, making them tough tests to pass.
You can prepare from the AON assessments using the information provided by AON themselves on their candidate site, but if you want more specific preparation, then the resources at JobTestPrep are an excellent place to start.
There are practice tests, revision materials, and other detailed help available to ensure that you are prepared to take the AON assessments.
You can find examples of Aon assessment practice tests on their candidate site, but if you want more specific preparation, then the resources at JobTestPrep are an excellent place to start.
There are practice tests, revision materials and other detailed help available to ensure that you are prepared to take the AON assessments.
There are many different types of AON assessments that are used in pre-employment testing, and this means that there is a range of different numbers of questions.
Typically, these can range from as few as eight or nine up to 100 – but in many cases, you just need to answer as many as you can in the given time limit.
AON assessments cover things like:
- Numerical Reasoning and Numeracy
- Verbal Reasoning and Language Proficiency
- Inductive and Deductive Logical Reasoning
- Situational Judgement
There are dozens of assessments and combinations of assessments that you might be faced with when you are taking AON assessment cut-e tests.
The AON assessment tests have been created to evaluate candidates (and, in some cases, employees already in a role) for things like aptitudes, attitudes, personality traits and work behavior – checking for suitability for different positions based on what they can do.
You can find some sample questions for the AON assessment at JobTestPrep, as well as useful resources like full-length practice tests, revision materials, helpful hints and tips so that you have lots of preparation to give your best in the assessment.
The AON assessments are timed, and that is one of the features that makes them particularly challenging. Time limits range from as little as two minutes, but the average is around 10-12 minutes.
Companies that use the AON assessments include:
- Dell
- PwC
- Coca-Cola
- Deloitte
As the AON assessments are usually used as part of the recruitment process, if you do not pass the assessment, your application will be terminated.
You might be allowed to retake the assessment if you are allowed to reapply for the position at a later date.
AON assessments keep their scoring systems a secret, so it is difficult to know what constitutes a ‘good score’ on the test.
However, what we do know is that while you can get the point for a correct answer, you will also get marked down for incorrect answers.
You can get a complete guide for the AON assessments at JobTestPrep, which also includes important resources to help you prepare. These include practice tests, revision materials, and helpful tips for success.
Final Thoughts
The AON assessments cut-e tests are a great way for recruiters to assess candidates based on the skills, aptitudes and personality traits that are needed for success in a role, and they are also easy to access for applicants too.
When you are taking the AON assessments, you might be asked to complete just one, or there might be multiple tests that need to be completed.
The content of these needs no specific knowledge – it is all about your inherent abilities.
However, the simplicity of the content and the questions is made much more challenging thanks to the very short time limits, which make it imperative that your practice and preparation include answering questions as quickly as possible and getting them right.